The Best Mat Exercise for Washboard Abs in 5 Minutes
Want to get a six-pack before the summer? This fitness objective is really well-liked among trainers. For this reason, I've put together the best five-minute mat exercise for washboard abs that will make your stomach taut and toned.
You must focus on your form and consistency if you want to get amazing abs. Why? Since you use your core both during exercises and in daily life, your form is of the utmost importance. To use your stomach muscles effectively and stabilize the rest of your body, you must appropriately contract them. How? Breathing exercises and maintaining a mind-body connection with your abdominals throughout the day and during exercise will help you achieve this, which is crucial during pregnancy and after childbirth.
It's also important to maintain consistency, even if it's just for five minutes each day. Your body will actually change as a result, and you'll get long-lasting effects. One of the six pillars of the "small adapts" philosophy, which I like to refer to as "everyday movement," is what I mean by this. Here is the best mat exercise for shredding your summer abs in only five minutes, anywhere and at any time.
For more information about this practice, continue reading. Try this free 15-minute upper-body boom workout if you're looking for more quick, efficient workouts.
Forearm Plank
Put your forearms parallel to the ground at the beginning, shoulders directly above elbows, and palms downward. Drive back with your heels, tighten your legs, and engage your core. Breathe in through the ribcage and out the mouth for 30 seconds while holding. Rock yourself backward an inch while maintaining your forearm plank for an additional 30 seconds.
Lie on your back now with your feet parallel to your knees and your knees over your hips in a tabletop position. Lift your left shoulder blade off the floor, straighten your left leg one inch above the floor, and bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Connect your right elbow to your left knee as you exchange sides. 20 slow reps of continuing to alternate legs are performed, followed by 10 fast reps.
Lateral V-Up
Roll to your right side and position your right forearm on the mat parallel to the top of the mat to do this motion. Bring your left hand over your shoulder and extend your legs out to the front corner of your mat, stacking them on top of one another. As you take a breath, pull your legs up towards the ceiling and tap your feet with your left hand. Just for a split second, hold the squeeze at the top, and then exhale to lower yourself back to the beginning position. 15 reps on one side, followed by 15 reps on the opposite side.
Leg Raises
Bring your legs straight up in the air just above your hips as you roll onto your back with your hands beneath your butt. After taking a breath, carefully lower your legs until they are just an inch or so off the mat. Exhale and raise your legs back up over your hips while keeping them as straight as you can. Make 20 repetitions.
Mountain Climbers
When you are nearly "running," transition into a straight-arm plank and alternate bringing one knee into your chest and then pulling it back out. To move as quickly as feasible is the aim. After 45 seconds of movement, spend the final 15 seconds in a straight-arm plank position.